DPL_1_D Longest Increasing Subsequences
Table of contents
# Problem
# Time complexity
# Solution 1
# Solution 2
# Solution 1
#define N_MAX 100001
Int N;
vector<Int> A(N_MAX, -1);
vector<Int> L;
Int lis() {
L.push_back(A[0]); // base case
loop(n,1,N) { // general cases
if (last(L) < A[n]) L.push_back(A[n]);
else *lower_bound(span_all(L), A[n]) = A[n];
return len(L);
int main(void) {
cin >> N;
loop(i,0,N) cin >> A[i];
cout << lis() << endl;
# Solution 2
No advantages over solution 1, but It may be useful for something.
#define N_MAX 10001
Int N;
vector<Int> A(N_MAX, -1);
vector<Int> L(N_MAX, 0);
Int solve() {
Int k, max_ = 0;
loop(n,1,N+1) {
k = 0;
loop(l,0,n) {
if (A[l] < A[n] && L[k] < L[l]) {
k = l;
L[n] = L[k] + 1;
if (L[n] > max_) max_ = L[n];
return max_;
int main(void) {
cin >> N;
loop(i,0,N) cin >> A[i];
cout << solve() << endl;
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