ABC085 C - Otoshidama
Table of contents
# Problem
Given 2 integers and , report if it's possible to make yen with bills or not.
A bill is either a 10000 yen, a 5000 yen or a 1000 yen.
If it's possible, print any combination of them.
# Explanation
Letting the numbers of 10000 yen bill, 5000 yen bill and 1000 yen bill , and , you get 2 equations (1) and (2).
And as , and are the number of bills, you get (3).
From (1) is unique for a combination of and .
If you find any combination of , and which satisfies (2) and (3), print it and done.
# Time complexity
Double loop for making combinations of and .
# Solution
#define MAX_N 2001
#define MAX_Y 20000001
Int N, Y;
void input() {
cin >> N >> Y;
void solve() {
loop(a,0,N+1) {
loop(b,0,N+1) {
Int c = N - a - b;
if (a + b > N || c < 0) continue;
if (a * 10000 + b * 5000 + c * 1000 == Y) {
cout << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << c << endl;
cout << "-1 -1 -1" << endl;
int main(void) {
return 0;
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