ARC037 B - バウムテスト
Table of contents
# Problem
# Input
- - The number of vertices
- - The number of undirected edges
- - Edge which connects and
# Output
Report the number of trees.
A tree is either
- A connected graph which has only 1 vertex.
- A connected graph which doesn't have a cycle.
# Explanation
For each vertex, visit it if you haven't visited it yet.
If the vertex doen't have any edge, it's a tree.
If it has edges, visit its neighbor vertices.
If a visited vertex is found, it's a cycle, not a tree.
If any visited vertex is not found to the end, it's a tree.
You visit a vertex just once, so the time complexity is .
# Time complexity
# Solution
#define MAX_N 100
Int N, M;
vector<Int> G[MAX_N];
vector<Int> done(MAX_N, false);
void input() {
Int u,v;
cin >> N >> M;
while (cin >> u >> v) {
bool dfs_isTree(Int u, Int depth, Int parent) {
done[u] = true;
if (len(G[u]) == 0) return true;
bool cycle = false;
for (auto v: G[u]) {
if (v == parent) continue;
if (done[v]) return false;
cycle |= !dfs_isTree(v, depth + 1, u);
return !cycle;
void solve() {
Int counter = 0;
loop(u,0,N) {
if (done[u]) continue;
counter += dfs_isTree(u, 0, -1);
cout << counter << endl;
int main(void) {
return 0;
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